As long as you have an Active account (managed by your school district or some other entity that pays for the Student Support Card subscription), then you can login at any time to review and share your Kaleidoscope Snapshots with others.

REMINDER: You can also login and take a ROY Snapshot at any time.

Step 1: When you login, you will land on your Dashboard. There, you will see all of the Snapshots from the survey sessions you have ever participated in through this school district or other entity. (Currently, the system does not merge any previous account you had through a different school district or organization.)

The first Snapshot you see is blank - a prompt for you to take a ROY Snapshot, if you want. The Snapshots that follow are in “reverse chronological” order; this means the most current is at the top and the oldest is at the bottom.

Step 2: Click the View Details button at the bottom of any Snapshot you want to see more details about.

You will see the Anchors you had listed (if any), along with details related to the other surveys - e.g., the Tangible Strings you picked.