About Exports

The Student Support Card™ offers a number of different exports of student data that can be helpful for coaching and supporting youth for self-activating their webs of support and amplifying their Developmental Ecologies.

The exports are provided as spreadsheet files in .csv format; they can be saved as .xls files, if desired. From these, you can “slice and dice” the data however you might want for various analysis and reports.

Available Exports include:

  • Students - student information only; i.e., data fields from the student account form) plus the date their account was created in the Student Support Card syste
  • Snapshots - student information, plus event names, dates, and scores for Above, Below, and Red surveys (as applicable)
  • Snapshots With Scores - student information, plus event names, dates, and scores for all surveys (as applicable)
  • Student Anchors - student name, snapshot date, and Anchor information (their name, proximity, and relationship to student); these are the Anchors the student listed on their last snapshot (does not show cumulative names over mulitple snapshots)


How To Export

First navigate to your list of Students.

You can use the Filter to choose a single Site or leave blank to download student data from all Sites in this Client.

Click the Export button to display the pull-down list of available exports. Select/click the export you want to download.

Depending on how you have your computer system setup, the spreadsheet will automatically download or you may be prompted to save it.